list of current archaeoentomology AUs (different from their main timeline!)vampire au
ficin this au, joining the shadows turns you into something monstrous---kind of like a vampire, but more demonic. in this au viv and morden must sustain themselves on blood--provided graciously by the shadows unless they are visiting b5, on which they must find their own sustenance. in this au, minbari blood is a particular delicacy.
the road home AU #1: the shadows win au
ficthis au is inspired by the timeline we see in babylon 5: the road home where the vorlons end up destroying earth because the shadows win. viv and morden watch from a shadow ship, alive and well, as earth burns--and then they live the rest of their lives in luxury.
"they survive the shadow war and don't know what to do" au
fic: 1, 2in which londo fails to explode selini and kill viv and morden, and the shadows go beyond the rim with the vorlons earlier, leaving viv and morden behind like abandoned puppies. they move back into viv's apartment on earth, collect themselves, and begin planning revenge. shortly after making contact with the drakh, viv discovers ze is pregnant with morden's child--a 1/4 curcul child who would be named nomi, giving morden a second chance at parenthood, and the two attempt to balance parenthood with Revenge. will they decide parenting is their main purpose now in the absence of the shadows, giving them a new thing to live for? probably not, well, maybe, who knows!
