live previewnote: i did not create this! i adapted it from the ao3 website. all credit goes to the coders at OTW, and if you work there and want me to take this down, lmk and i will. i just thought i'd put it here in case anyone else wanted to use the template for uploading their fanfiction, etc, to neocities in that format without actually posting them on the archive.
1) create a new css file on your site. name it ao3templateworks.css. paste THIS code in there. note: it will be very long and i don't recommend messing with this stuff unless you know what you're doing! it is confusing!
2) now make a new html file for your work, you can name it whateve you want. copy and paste the template code found here and edit to your heart's content. you can replace the images to anything you want by searching for "file.garden" in the code.
